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We would like to share with you our new cool feature called Actions.


In this example we are going to integrate Dosing Pump with kH keeperKeeper. Please make sure that your Dosing Pump firmware is up to date.


In this step it is required to choose Kh keeperkH Keeper:


Next step: choose command from the list:


Next enter a value (when kH keeper Keeper result will be below the specific level of your desired dkH then the system will add an extra dose)


Again please click


Next please choose Kh keeper kH Keeper from the list


Please select

titleKh is above



Congratulations you have just added the second Action to your integration. Now when the Kh result is above the desired level you can set the Dosing pump to skip part of next dose. For instance when Kh keeper kH Keeper result will be above 8 as in this example, then part of next dose from the chosen Dosing pump is skipped (1-100%).


Thank you for your time. Those are the first two Actions which you can use to keep you Kh on your desired level.

New Actions for KH kH Keeper and other devices will be shared with you in near future.
